The readings for this Sunday are about following. In the first reading Elisha was called to follow Elijah, and in the gospel Jesus called others to follow him. In both readings, those called said they wanted to do something first, then they would follow.
Their response is typical of human nature. Do we really want to follow Christ? Think of your own call. Did you respond with an enthusiastic yes? Were you hesitant?
Following Christ is a radical response to His call. It will not always be easy. Some days we will be broken. However, the love of Christ will lift us up, keep us going and give us whatever grace we need to continue following Him.
Over the years, sisters have shared their call story with me. It is wonderful to listen to how each person knew she was being called to religious life. I enjoy sharing my own call story. It is very different from most of the sisters as I entered community later in life.
By the way, everyone is called to follow Christ. Priests and religious do so in one way. Married couples and single men and women do so in another way. In whatever way you are called to follow Christ, do so with focus, love, and generosity.