Zacchaeus, the tax collector in today's reading, wanted to see Jesus. His obstacle was his size. He was short in stature. However, Zacchaeus thought of a way to overcome this obstacle. He climbed a tree! What are the obstacles that you or I have that may prevent us from seeing or getting closer to Jesus? What can you or I do to overcome these obstacles?
There are many instances in scripture in which we read that Jesus called, chose, or defended the outcast. He knew there was goodness in Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus must have been so surprised and excited, and perhaps even a little humbled, when Jesus asked him to come down. In choosing to call Zacchaeus and allowing him to change his ways, Jesus brought about a unity between Zacchaeus and the other people, and between Zacchaeus and God. How do we call others to unity with each other and with God? Do we create dissension between one group of people and another group?
The refrain of one of my favorite hymns at mass goes like this, "Take O take me as I am. Summon up what I shall be..." Jesus accepted everyone including tax collectors and sinners. He took them as they were. Then, Jesus summoned or called forth from them to be what he knew they could be. Jesus continues today to take each of us as we are. I know that at various times in my life, through prayer or other people, Jesus has called me to be more of what he sees in me in spite of what I may think are my obstacles. I cannot climb a tree as Zacchaeus did, however, I can continue reaching toward Christ who summons me to the more.
This week I will be attending the National Religious Vocation Conference. I am looking forward to listening to the keynote speakers and connecting with other vocation directors. The SSJ directors will gather together on Friday evening for supper and to have a meeting. Please pray for all of us and especially pray for vocations.