Last week I attended the National Religious Vocation Conference in Cleveland. There were over 300 Vocation Directors present. The theme was "Casting the Net" Vocation Ministry in a Global Church and World. The keynote speakers included Br. David Andrews, CSC, who voiced the need for a spirituality of globalization; Sr. Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH, a native of Erie, who spoke on new technologies and the digital culture they created, which she described as mission territory for the Church; and Fr. Bryan Massingale, STD, who explored the theology of globalization. Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans, the NRVC’s episcopal liaison to the USCCB, presided at the Friday evening liturgy.
The Vatican Nuncio, Pietro Sambi was also present. He commended religious brothers and sisters for all that they do for the church and told us of the Vatican’s support of religious vocations and the important Christian witness provided by men and women in consecrated life: “The Church wants you to be successful in your catch.”
There were twenty C/SSJ Vocation Directors at the convocation. We had the opportunity to go to the Cleveland Motherhouse in Rocky River for dinner and to have a meeting. It was wonderful for us to be there. It was also good to connect with other brothers and sisters that I have met while taking workshops at CTU in Chicago.
Please continue to pray for Vocation Directors as well as for vocations.