Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. This always falls on the Fourth Week of Easter. In today's gospel reading Jesus tells us how the Shepherd calls each of his sheep by name. The sheep know his voice and they follow. The sheep also know that the Shepherd will lead them to pasture. How do we hear the Jesus, the Good Shepherd, call each of us by name?

I know for myself that being faithful to taking some quiet time to be still and listen is important. Leaving room in my heart for the Shepherd and not crowding it with other things that would not allow space for Him to enter is crucial to my spiritual well-being. It is through the image of the Good Shepherd in the book, "Hinds Feet in High Places," by Hannah Hurnard that I came to know many years ago that I could have a relationship with Christ. Ever since, when I need to rekindle that relationship, I go back to the image of the Good Shepherd. He truly laid down his life for me.

Jesus also said in the gospel today that he came that we may have life abundantly. In following Christ I can be aware each evening as I pray my Examen of the blessings of each day. Then, at the end of each week when I list the graces I have been given, I realize how blessed I truly am and how abundant are the graces.

Today also marks the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray that more young men and women will hear the voice of the Shepherd and will come and follow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I enjoy looking at the daily readings after Easter. Between Easter and Pentecost the readings are all from the New Testament. My favorites are Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb and the disciples on the way to Emmaus. I like to imagine the joy they felt when they recognized the risen Christ. There are times in my own prayer when I recognize Christ's presence, not only with me, but also in what I learn or discover about Christ or myself. My relationship with Him may deepen, or I may understand a situation more fully.

In other readings during this time we listen to how St. Peter or St. Paul proclaim Christ's presence to the people in the cities and towns to which they traveled. Where and to whom do I/you proclaim Christ's presence? How do we do this in our communities, with our families, and those to whom we minister and with whom we minister? A few years ago a retreat director told me to invite Christ each and every day to wherever I go to increase my awareness of Him being with me. It also reminds me of whom I am in the presence of when I see the faces of all the "dear neighbors" that I meet each day.
Another theme in these post-Easter readings is the new community of the followers of Jesus. The readings describe how they share all things in common, looking out for widows and orphans, and participated in the breaking of the bread. It seems as though there was no looking out for number one going on in these communities! So, as you continue to listen and read these New Testament passages, be aware of how Christ is present to you and how you bring His presence to others.