Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This past Sunday, five of our sisters celebrated their 60Th jubilee. Some family members and friends of the jubilarians were also present for the occasion. The jubilarians are Sr. Ann Amen, Sr. Leonella Gingenbach, Sr. Mary Carol Hoke, Sr. Maria Onuffer, and Sr. Barbara Ann Zakutney. After a lovely liturgy, there was a brunch for all who attended.

I am always in awe of God's fidelity to the sisters and the sisters fidelity to God for sixty years. I get excited about God's fidelity and my fidelity for these past nineteen and a half years. I know that it takes prayer, reflection, relationships within the community, and a personal relationship with Christ to continue nurturing my vocation as a Sister of St. Joseph.

I would ask you to pray each day as I do for all women and men religious that their fidelity and love of God will deepen. Pray as well for those who are considering vocations.


On the Feast of the Sacred Heart I was reflecting on what makes Christ's heart so beautiful. It contains so much love for all people; the sinners, the saints, the lost, the broken, the rich, the poor, the young and the old. (I'm sure you could add more). Christ's heart holds so much mercy and forgiveness and so much sorrow for a troubled world. When I see the Sacred Heart it reminds me that Christ has the strength for the despairing. His heart longs for each of us to be united with him. It also contains much joy when the lost are found, the broken are healed, and sinners repent.

Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine.