The gospel passage from yesterday's reading comes from Mark 6:1-6 and is about Jesus going to his own town. He began to teach in the synagogue. At first the people were "astonished." However, their astonishment turned to resentment. "And they took offense at him," the scripture states. The people were sure they knew who Jesus was. He was the son of Joseph, the carpenter, and Mary. Who does he think he is?
I wonder if Jesus was looking forward to going to Nazareth to be with the people of the town in which he grew up, to be with friends, family, and former classmates, to do for them what he had been able to do in other places. Perhaps he felt an anticipation and excitement to bring God's message and healing to the people he loved.
But the people did not accept him in this new role. They may have thought, "What makes this carpenter's son think he can teach us anything." He was not taken seriously. Jesus did lay hands on some who would let him, and he healed a few who had faith enough. Rejection from his own must have felt like a kick in the stomach, and he says, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house." Jesus must have felt sad as he might have shook the dust off his feet when leaving.
Has this ever happened to you? You try to help someone close to you and they reject what you are doing. They might have said, "You can't do that." They think you are not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough. No matter what you say or do to convince them your help isn't accepted, nor is it appreciated. How did you feel?
Know that when you are experiencing these situations, or if you need healing from similar experiences, Jesus has been there also. Sit with Jesus in prayer and hold the situation together. Let Jesus give you new insight and help you bring closure to your sadness and healing to your heart.