Sunday, February 7, 2010

World Day for Consecrated Life

This Sunday's readings focused on call, especially the call of Peter in the Gospel. Peter did not know what he was getting into at first. He stumbled along and said some foolish things. Yet, he was called and chosen to lead the disciples and became a wonderful example for all of us who struggle to do and say the right thing. At a homily I heard today, the priest said that whenever God calls he also blesses. Also, at my prayer group on Tuesday, the reflection stated that God calls the unqualified and qualifies those he calls.

God calls each of us differently. My call story is very different from other call stories that I have heard throughout the years. I have always found it interesting to hear how another sister felt called to religious life.

The call to live the Consecrated Life is one of the vocations that both women and men respond to by living the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They serve in parishes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, social agencies, missions, and anywhere else there is a need. They do what they do for the love of God and others. Each community of men and women have their own charism or uniqueness that give them their sense of mission and purpose for existing.

Today is World Day for Consecrated Life. Pray for these men and women. Pray also for an increase in vocations to religious life.

If you have been thinking of a religious vocation, or have questions you would like to ask, e-mail me at

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that. I pray that more open their hearts and minds to God's call...
