Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I was listening to many things during the Tridduum to plan what to post. The idea actually came to me this morning. At each liturgy, we proclaim a Memorial Acclamation. The one that seems to be used most frequently is, "Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again." Here is my reflection about this.
"Christ has died." We have just experienced the passion and death of Jesus on Good Friday. We have heard this many times. Jesus was put to death by crucifixion by the Jewish and Roman leaders of his time. For those of us who believe in Jesus as the Son of God, we also believe that death is not final. As St. Paul says in the Epistle read at the Easter Vigil, Christ's death was death to sin once and for all and that His life is life for God. In your life, how do you put consider yourselves dead to sin and alive for God in Christ Jesus?
"Christ is risen." Alleluia! I love when we get to sing it after so many weeks of Lent. Once again we heard the Easter story and we will continue to hear other accounts from the scriptures of Jesus' appearances during these next few days. Jesus has risen from the dead and, as St. Paul tells us, He will never die again. Death has no more power over him! Have there been times in your own life, when you have experienced resurrection and felt alive again? Perhaps you have experienced resurrection after a physical or mental illness, or have overcome some other difficulty in your life. Reflect on it. Recall the resurrection moment and give praise and thanks to God.
"Christ will come again." We believe that Christ will come again at the end of the world. He promised his disciples that he will be with us always. We wait in joyful hope. We do not have to wait until the end of the world. Christ comes to us everyday. He is present with us through his word in scripture. Christ comes into our hearts each day when we receive Holy Communion. He is present in each person we meet. I am aware of Christ's presence during times of reflection, or sometimes in a song. What are ways that Christ comes to you?
Be open to Christ's presence in your life. Look for signs of resurrection all around you. Blessings to all of you during this Easter season.

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