Triduum means "Three Days." These days that begin today with Holy Thursday are the pinnacle of the church year. About 20+ years ago I had the privilege to teach the catechumens at my home parish about the liturgies of the Triduum. I remember telling them to use all their senses. These days are filled with wonderful rituals to observe and in which to take part. They are filled with the smell of incense. The readings remind us of how we were saved by God through God's Son, Jesus Christ. We hear about the covenant God made with the Israelites and their journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom. We listen to St. Paul tell us about the dying and rising to new life with Jesus and that death has no more power over Him nor over us. Then we are sprinkled with the waters of Baptism and renew our baptismal promises.
For me these days draw me to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus. The Ignation way of praying by using my imagination and placing myself at the different scenes of Christ's passion and death are most helpful to me. Read a passage from scripture. Then sit quietly with it and place yourself in the passage. You can be one of the people from that passage or be yourself. Be part what is going on. Pay attention to what Jesus may be saying to you personally. Also be aware of how you respond and behave in this scene. Pay attention to what you are feeling. After the time of reflection, I always find it helpful to journal about the experience.
For me these days draw me to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus. The Ignation way of praying by using my imagination and placing myself at the different scenes of Christ's passion and death are most helpful to me. Read a passage from scripture. Then sit quietly with it and place yourself in the passage. You can be one of the people from that passage or be yourself. Be part what is going on. Pay attention to what Jesus may be saying to you personally. Also be aware of how you respond and behave in this scene. Pay attention to what you are feeling. After the time of reflection, I always find it helpful to journal about the experience.
Many blessings to all of you this Easter.