Sunday, April 17, 2011


This morning I read the four gospel accounts of Jesus' passion and death. The theme of surrender came through to me.

First, during the last supper, Judas surrendered to the evil and fear within himself to betray Jesus. He was afraid of the religious and Roman authorities. Judas thought that Jesus' way of doing things and his preaching would cause more trouble for Jesus, the disciples, and the people. He was partly correct. The religious leaders did not approve of Jesus and as we all know plotted to get rid of him. Surrendering to fear, Judas made a deal to turn Jesus over to them. When have you surrendered to fear rather than do good?

Secondly, after the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples went to the Mount of Olives. He asked Peter, James and John to go a little further with him. At prayer Jesus prayed to his Heavenly Father to please somehow not let the events that were about to happen take place. Jesus then went over to Peter, James, and John and found them asleep. One gospel said that they surrendered to their grief, so they slept. This must have been a very sad moment for Jesus to see that he could not count on them to be strong. He returned to prayer and again asked God to take away the cup he was about to drink. However, this time Jesus surrendered to his Father's will. This is what he was called to do. Have you ever surrendered to grief that you slept to avoid it? Was there ever a time when you found it difficult to surrender to God's will in your life? How did you surrender to God's will? What happened after you did so? What happened or would have happened if you did not surrender to the will of God?

Then Jesus was brought before Pilate. After much questioning Pilate could not find any reason to keep Jesus. The religious leaders were adamant about putting Jesus to death. They incited the crowds who kept yelling, "Crucify Him." No matter what Pilate said or did, the crowds would not be satisfied until they got their way. Fearing a riot or dissension with the higher authorities, and fear for his own position, Pilate surrendered to the crowds. He washed his hands and gave Jesus over to be crucified. When have you surrendered to doing what you know is not the right thing to do? When have you not stood for the innocent?

In the end, hanging on the cross, Jesus surrendered his spirit into his Father's hands.

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