Friday, June 29, 2012


Last week while our diocesan priests were at their annual gathering, I was asked to give a reflection for one of the Communion Services at our Community Living Center.  The gospel that day was Jesus teaching the Our Father to the disciples.  "Lord, teach us to pray," they asked.
Who taught you to pray?  Was it your mother, father, or grandmother?  What was the first prayer you learned?  As I reflected on that line in the gospel, three points that stand out is my childhood prayer, when I really learned how to pray, and how I continue to pray.
The Our Father is a prayer full of praise and petitions.  We praise God in the first part.  In the second part we petition God for what we need each day, for forgiveness, to forgive others, and to be strong when tempted.  First, I remembered the first prayer that my mother taught me, the prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep..."  Later, when I went to school, it was the Sisters of Charity who taught me the rote prayers at Catechism classes.  That was the only way I knew to pray for many years.
Secondly, it wasn't until my late 20's that I really learned to pray.  It was Madeleine Hahn, RSM who introduced me to books that explained how to pray, and by attending prayer and scripture study at Dwelling Place in Sharon I began to experience different prayer styles and kinds of prayer that would lead me to a relationship with God that I never knew was possible.
Thirdly, eleven years ago at my thirty-day retreat, I learned the Ignation Examen of Consciousness.  I have been praying my examen every evening since. What I like is that I journal my examen; and by doing so, I praise God, thank God, and petition God.  Each sunday I review my journal and look for the graces that God has given me during the week and on the next clean page I gather the graces, a habit I learned on retreat.  Gathering the graces leads me to more prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God.
"Lord, teach us to pray."
Who taught you how to pray?

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