In John's Gospel yesterday we heard about Jesus' first miracle at a wedding in Cana. Jesus' mother said, "They have no wine." He replied that this was no concern of theirs, nor that his hour had not yet come. But Mary said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you." Jesus then gives the servers directions to fill the jars with water, draw some out, and take it to the headwaiter. The headwaiter tasted the water that had now become wine and found it to be better wine than what was served earlier.
In other passages of Jesus' miracles there are usually words spoken by Jesus, or an action, or a recognition of faith. However, in this miracle Jesus says no words over the water, nor does he do anything to the water to cause it to change into wine. All Jesus does is give directions and the actions of the obedient servers is the means of the water transforming into wine.
Webster's Dictionary defines transformation as, "a change in form or appearance" or "change in condition, character, or function of. Like the servers in the gospel who listened and were obedient to the directions Jesus gave them, so also we must listen and follow what he tells us to do. How do we do that? We can spend time in prayer and reflection. By praying with scripture, and listening to what Christ is telling us we will be transformed into all that he knows we can be and all that he desires for us. Sitting still in quiet in the presence of Christ we are transformed as we grow in relationship with him. As we grow in relationship with Christ we will be attuned to what he wants us to do. Also, by working and serving those in need, we can help transform lives and we can transform systems that oppress others.
Perhaps there are situations in your life or something in yourself that needs to be transformed. It could be your lifestyle, your workplace, or your relationship with family or friends. Whatever way you may be called to transformation, be still, listen, and do whatever he tells you.
In other passages of Jesus' miracles there are usually words spoken by Jesus, or an action, or a recognition of faith. However, in this miracle Jesus says no words over the water, nor does he do anything to the water to cause it to change into wine. All Jesus does is give directions and the actions of the obedient servers is the means of the water transforming into wine.
Webster's Dictionary defines transformation as, "a change in form or appearance" or "change in condition, character, or function of. Like the servers in the gospel who listened and were obedient to the directions Jesus gave them, so also we must listen and follow what he tells us to do. How do we do that? We can spend time in prayer and reflection. By praying with scripture, and listening to what Christ is telling us we will be transformed into all that he knows we can be and all that he desires for us. Sitting still in quiet in the presence of Christ we are transformed as we grow in relationship with him. As we grow in relationship with Christ we will be attuned to what he wants us to do. Also, by working and serving those in need, we can help transform lives and we can transform systems that oppress others.
Perhaps there are situations in your life or something in yourself that needs to be transformed. It could be your lifestyle, your workplace, or your relationship with family or friends. Whatever way you may be called to transformation, be still, listen, and do whatever he tells you.