Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord.  The account of Jesus' baptism appears in all four gospels.  Baptizing with water was a common practice at that time.  However, the difference is that while John baptizes with water, Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.  Jesus' baptism was like everyone else's until the Holy Spirit came upon him.  His baptism would mark the beginning of a new period in his life.  No longer would he work in the carpenter shop.  Declared by the Holy Spirit as God's beloved Son, Jesus sets out on a new mission. 
I like the fact that this gospel comes near the beginning of a new year.  It helps us to reflect, not only on the past year, but to look forward to new beginnings.  We have all had new beginnings in our lives.  For some it may just be resolutions to begin breaking a bad habit, eating healthier, exercising more, or getting more sleep.  We may have experienced beginnings of being a high school or college student; the beginning of a new career; the beginning of a marriage or religious life.  Perhaps a new beginning has occurred on a retreat, or from a time of true discernment and you were set on fire with a new insight or inspiration.
New beginnings can also happen in times of pain; a person who becomes paralyzed begins to learn how he/she can still live a full life; a widow who now begins to live life without a partner; a child who begins to find how to live after losing a parent; and for those in Newtown, Connecticut, how to begin life without their children.
At our baptism we too were declared sons and daughters of God.  Our new life in Christ began.  As we matured we may have had many ways to begin again at various times in our lives.  Whatever our new beginnings will be in the future as beloved sons and daughters of God, we will always have the grace we need to more forward.

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