In today's Gospel from John 14:23-29, we find the disciples fishing after the death and resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus first called the disciples, they were fishermen, and he told them to follow him and they will be catching men and women. Jesus has died, and resurrected and still they go back to what they know, fishing for fish.
Jesus calls out to them from the shore. The Beloved Disciple recognizes and believes that it is Jesus before any of the others. I have read that whenever Peter and the Beloved Disciple are together, he is the one who believes first. One example was when they ran to the empty tomb. Scripture says that the Beloved Disciple out ran Peter and saw the empty tomb first and believed. The love of the Beloved Disciple enables him to believe. Like him, our faith must be rooted in love. When the disciples got to shore, Jesus had bread and fish for them. He gave them the bread and fish just as he had given bread and fish to the crowd then gave the Bread of Life discourse. Once again Jesus is showing the disciples and us that he is the Bread of Life.
Jesus calls out to them from the shore. The Beloved Disciple recognizes and believes that it is Jesus before any of the others. I have read that whenever Peter and the Beloved Disciple are together, he is the one who believes first. One example was when they ran to the empty tomb. Scripture says that the Beloved Disciple out ran Peter and saw the empty tomb first and believed. The love of the Beloved Disciple enables him to believe. Like him, our faith must be rooted in love. When the disciples got to shore, Jesus had bread and fish for them. He gave them the bread and fish just as he had given bread and fish to the crowd then gave the Bread of Life discourse. Once again Jesus is showing the disciples and us that he is the Bread of Life.
Next, Jesus asks Peter three times, "Peter, do you love me." Peter answers, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Each time Jesus directs Peter to tend to his flock and to follow him. Who are the ones Jesus is asking us to tend? Jesus continues to be present to us and feed us in the Eucharist. With love we are also called to follow him. Where do we, who believe and love Christ, bring his love to others? How are we Eucharist for others?
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