Sunday, June 27, 2010


The readings for this Sunday are about following. In the first reading Elisha was called to follow Elijah, and in the gospel Jesus called others to follow him. In both readings, those called said they wanted to do something first, then they would follow.
Their response is typical of human nature. Do we really want to follow Christ? Think of your own call. Did you respond with an enthusiastic yes? Were you hesitant?
Following Christ is a radical response to His call. It will not always be easy. Some days we will be broken. However, the love of Christ will lift us up, keep us going and give us whatever grace we need to continue following Him.
Over the years, sisters have shared their call story with me. It is wonderful to listen to how each person knew she was being called to religious life. I enjoy sharing my own call story. It is very different from most of the sisters as I entered community later in life.
By the way, everyone is called to follow Christ. Priests and religious do so in one way. Married couples and single men and women do so in another way. In whatever way you are called to follow Christ, do so with focus, love, and generosity.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I read an interesting article this morning. The author talked about how people do not persevere in the commitments they make. He focused on marriage, religious vows, and commitment of priests. He made his readers aware of how easy it is for people to give up on to what they vow or commit. Married couples easily choose divorce or annulment rather than going to a marriage counselor or first trying to work things out. Priests and religious leave their communites or the priesthood.
The author stated that people need to quit questioning their choice of commitment or vows. Once the choice is made, don't look back instead persevere ahead. When I entered the noviate, I remember some of the sisters saying to me, "Grace and perseverance." At first I did not understand, however, it soon became clear what they meant. As I struggled through some times during my formation years, it was perseverance that kept me choosing the process. It is perseverance that continues to get me through days when I am not at my best. God gives me the grace I need each time I say, "Yes."
Many of you have seen the article in the Erie Times these past three weeks focusing on religious life. By choosing to live this life, we choose to love differently. Our love is not given to one person, but poured out all those to whom we minister. For us SSJ's we move "always toward profound love of God and neighbor without distinction."
Another point I want to make is that none of us are doing good works in isolation. No matter what ministry we are in, we have the support of the whole community. That makes a difference. We have each other to share our lives and our ministries with.
I don't look back and wonder if I have done the right thing. Instead I look to today to be the best I can, and I look to the future to how I can live this life more fully.

End of School

Like the students in my class, I am grateful for summer vacation. I got my classroom closed up last Friday and have been working at spring cleaning and taking a little break. It is good that students and teachers have a chance to get away from the usual routine of a school schedule to no routine. I look forward to working in my office, visiting my family, taking time to relax, going to the beach, and going on retreat.
Summer is my favorite season. I enjoy the sunshine and walking outdoors. Seeing the green grass and leaves on the trees helps me forget the white mounds of snow. I especially like sitting on the patio and reading. I enjoy watching the beautiful birds at my feeders.
What is your favorite season and why?