Monday, June 20, 2011


This past Saturday two of our sisters, Sr. Michele Healy and Sr. Moira Sullivan, celebrated fifty years in community. With family, sisters, associates, and friends present, the celebration was wonderful. At the liturgy, Fr. Sullivan, Sr. Moira's brother, gave a beautiful homily. Also, all the sisters were invited to renew their vows along with Moira and Michele. Later, a dinner was held at the Shriner's Club. Then, in the evening, a picnic was enjoyed by all.

At each jubilee I can't help but reflect on the fidelity of the sisters celebrating, but also on the fidelity of God who called each of them to this way of life. Each sister has her own story of how and why she felt called to religious life, as well as how she responded. Some have known from a very young age that they wanted to be in community, well others struggled with making a decision and waited a few more years. However, no matter what the call story is, each sister continues to be faithful to God, to her congregation, and the ministry in which she is involved. Each one continually chooses to daily say, "Yes" to the deepening of the relationship with God and with those to whom she serves. Fidelity is enhanced through prayer, community, and even in times of trouble or despair. Our fidelity as Sisters of Saint Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania carries on a tradition of 150 years of women meeting the needs of the "dear neighbor."

As I have mentioned in other posts, I have been in community for nineteen years. Each day I am grateful for God's faithfulness to me and the grace for me to be faithful to God. Continue to pray for us, and for those who will yet be called.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


This is the last week of school for me. I always find this time of year to be stressful. Trying to close up my classroom, teaching the students whose brains are already on vacation, and keeping up with the rest of life can take its toll on me. So how do I get through it all? It takes just three words; gentleness, peace, and joy to keep me on the straight and narrow.

My spiritual director gave me these words from our Maxims of Perfection which tell us to approach each task with gentleness, peace, and joy. As I begin my day I pray for peace as I get ready and leave for school. Before the students come into the classroom I pray for patience and gentleness that is so much needed at this time of year. During the day, as I realize that I have been patient and gentle, I find joy in who I am as Sister of Saint Joseph, a teacher, and a beloved of God.
I never get my classroom finished by the last day of school and always have to return for a couple of days to get done. However, by keeping those three words in the forefront of my prayer I can do the best I can knowing that it will take me longer than everyone else without getting worked up about it. So, I look at my classroom and think to myself I will be here as long as it takes therefore, be at peace.