Friday, December 11, 2009

Hope and Promise

Many years ago, my spiritual director told me that Advent is the season of promise and hope. I always look forward to this time in the liturgical year. It calls me to quiet down in the midst of all the craziness of getting ready to celebrate Christmas. I am especially eager to read and listen to the readings from the prophets that tell us of the hope and promise of the Savior to come.

This year, the focus on hope has particularly been a part of my prayer and reflection. In October, my friend’s husband committed suicide. I cannot help wonder why he had no hope for his life. Why could he not turn to God in his suffering?

Like many others in this world, I, too, have experienced personal struggle. I know that the hope and promise of God in scripture gave me, and continues to give me, the grace and courage to go on. It is my hope in the love and salvation that Christ brings that makes me want to get out of bed each morning. I have something to live for.

This evening we had an anointing service at our Community Living Center. During the anointing we sang “Be Not Afraid.” When we got to the last line of the first verse, “Know that I am with you through it all,”, I was reminded that no matter how terrible or fearful any situation in life is, I will never be alone or abandoned by God.

Hope is the gift that allows us to trust in God and God’s promises. It requires openness and living with ambiguity. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God is always doing something new in our lives.

In this season of Advent, open the ears of your heart to listen to the hope and promise that God desires for you. In the messiness of life, remember that God is with you through it all. Take time to reflect on where you find your Advent hope and remember when your trust in God bore fruit in your life.

Blessings to all of you during this holy season. Hold on to Hope!

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